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Chapter One ComicHello there! So begins my ComicGenesis mirror site for Omega (currently hosted at http://www.indanthrone.com where it still lives). I知 mirroring for a few reasons, to see if other hosting options are a better fit (since everyone has their own uploading/service options), to get a little more face/community time, and as a way to push myself some in good ways. I知 starting the mirror halfway through chapter one on the other site, and I知 going to be doing two updates a week; so, week one here will have page 01.00 and page 01.01, while on indanthrone.com you値l see page 01.15 and so on. Why the double post? Well, both to catch up to the other site, and to get in the habit of doing two updates a week. That痴 right! Once omega.comicgenesis.com is caught up with indanthrone.com, they池e both going to be doing TWO updates a week. I知 so excited! Hope you are too! -Mancer





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